About Talk Benjamin

Hi. Im Alex. Im 35. I’ve had a unique interesting life. (Lots of good, lots of bad, lots of in between.) But at the core of it all, I was and will forever be an entrepreneur at heart. I’ve had several businesses and investments fail. Really fail. I’ve had several businesses and investments do well. Really well.
And then again, I’ve lost everything, made it all back, lost it all again, and made it all back. (How I haven’t had a heart attack, i’m not sure yet from this roller coaster life I’ve had this far.)
Anyways, I always spent a lot of time at coffee shops while working on my laptop the last few years. Im “off the truck” now. You see, the last 8 years, I was working close to 70-80 hours a week on a junk removal truck removing junk from peoples homes.
Pool tables from basements, heavy fridges, hoarder houses, celebrity home clean-outs and everything else you can imagine. Before that, I had numerous jobs and businesses fail. I was a college grad (by force, my mom forced me, so I went. She really intimidated me at the time). However, college was really not for me. I passed, somehow, and haven’t once used my degree. But, I had some fun during those 4 years, so maybe it was worth it.
So, how does a junk removal guy go from picking up junk to writing a blog how to make money? Well, because during all my years meeting customers for junk pickups, doing estimates and going to networking event, one cool part of my business was meeting all the entrepreneurs over the years. I met so many interesting business owners from all types of backgrounds. I met college kids, middle aged people, and seniors who were entrepreneurs that made their money all kinds of crazy ways. So the last few months, I had this idea to put my experiences and thoughts into writing. (Writing, I’ve come to learn, is very therapeutic for me.) That’s why I wrote my book as well, A Dark Path To Light, which was a memory from my childhood to mid 20’s.
I don’t care if this blog makes money. If it does, that would be cool. If not, that would be ok too. Lately, I’ve been having fun and enjoyment combining two things: entrepreneurship & writing.
There will also be a link on here called “entrepreneur stories”, im going to enter my own personal stories on here. This link will be specifically for entrepreneurs who want to share their personal roller coaster life stories about business and their personal lives.
If you find yourself reading this, thank you for your time. I hope you find value on this site. I also hope you find it interesting and inspirational.
Let’s see how this whole thing turns out.
Here goes nothing.
– Alex

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